Monday, June 15, 2009


I haven't been updating as much lately as we're in the process of moving. We've been living in half of a house for over 3 years now, and with the addition of another son, we've really outgrown the place. That's obviously cut into the amount of hobby time I've had, so I've completely stalled out on finishing my controller.

1 comment:

  1. GL with the move, Grats on the baby, and GJ on the game!
    I have played for 2 yrs! I love it!( wifes not so crazy 'bout it! lol )
    Q: do you play with us common folk? or do you guys all play while the servers are down for the rest of us! lol
    and How do I get Dev.Choice on my AE?Is it random?
    Team sometime?
