Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I've been playing around with MaxScript and learned how to create custom attributes via scripting. Max has a built in custom attribute editor, but it's very limited in functionality. It's really good for wiring parameters, but that's about it.

Through MaxScript you can embed pretty much any script functionality into an object as custom attributes, which means you can have pretty much any kind of scripted tools saved within the max scene itself. I've been going nuts with this, updating our rig, greatly simplifying it, and adding a number of tools to the control objects. Paul Neele's rigging tools are very helpful for doing this sort of thing.

There's one hiccup. I can't figure out how to set a value on a custom parameter outside of wiring or through a manipulator in a rollout. I've created a set of scripted buttons to align FK bones to IK bones and vice versa, but I can't figure out a way to set the swivel angle that's a custom parameter of the IK controller. I can use expose transform helpers to get the correct value...but I've hit a dead end with what to do with it.

On a completely unrelated note, my order from Willy's Electronics was shipped and should be arriving tomorrow.

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