Thursday, October 14, 2010

Crazy news with Raven, Mythic, and a few other places going through layoffs. Then there's this:

Now first off, this kind of behavior is really unprofessional. Anonymous or not, you don't talk about stuff like this in a public venue no matter how righteous it makes you feel. As this is coming from someone who's about to be laid off, it needs to be taken with a grain of salt but it definitely has the ring of truth to it...or at least I believe this person is genuine and that they believe what they say is true. This industry can be real shitty sometimes, for something that's focused on making entertainment. Not everyone is in it out of love and passion for video games. Someone has to run the business, someone has to put up money, and when you mix business and money into any venture nasty stuff is bound to happen.

Que sara.

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